Wisdom Tooth Pain: Causes & Cures

Wisdom Tooth Pain: Causes and Cures 

Have you ever wondered why your face is suddenly swollen, and you cannot open your mouth right in the middle of your exams or when you are under a lot of stress? That Wisdom Tooth Pain starts suddenly and creats a lot of distress.

Well, I have prepared a complete guide just for this .Why it happens and how to treat such a condition at home and when you have ample time can visit your dentist and get it treated permanently.

What is a Wisdom Tooth ?

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in your mouth. They develop in your jaw bone and eventually appear in your mouth, breaking through your gums. Wisdom teeth are your last adult teeth to erupt. However, some people don’t have them. 


In the past, people used to have a complete set of molars. As the dietary habits changed and included more soft foods on the menu, third molars or wisdom teeth lost their use, and in future generations, either there is a lack of these teeth, or the jaw bone is not wide enough to accommodate them. These third molars usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25 but, in some cases, can erupt later in life. They serve no proper function anymore, so wisdom tooth extraction is considered a healthy and standard procedure nowadays.

Warning Signs of Wisdom Tooth getting Impacted.

You might never feel pain if your wisdom teeth have enough space and grow straight. However, if your wisdom teeth erupt and there isn’t enough room in your mouth, they typically cause intense pain, inflammation, and irritation. 


The struggle of wisdom tooth eruption can place stress on the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint, the hinge that opens and closes the mouth. It can lead to pain in the neighboring structures of the mouth and can be mistaken for allergies or an infection.

Usually, such pain starts when the patient has decreased immunity due to work stresschronic disease, women during pregnancy, or students undergoing exams.

Pain is accompanied by inflammation. In the typical scenario, an eruption of the teeth causes inflammation of the gums in children, and kids ignore such pain and inflammation. 

An impacted wisdom tooth can also cause swelling in the jaw area. Since it is located at the extreme back of the mouth, its inflammation and pain affect glands between the neck and shoulders, sinuses, and face.

Bitter Taste or Bad Breath

in cases where impacted wisdom teeth get stuck in the middle of the eruption process, they can create tiny pockets between the tissues, allowing food and oral bacteria to accumulate. Over time, this can cause a foul taste in the mouth and offensive breath.

Tooth Decay

accumulated food and harmful oral bacteria cause neighboring teeth decay, and a series of events starts if wisdom tooth pain is left untreated.

Not only will the culprit wisdom tooth require surgical extraction, but the decayed teeth will also have to be treated.

Cyst Development

When a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, a fluid-filled cavity called a cyst can form at the impacted tooth’s structure, causing pain (and damage) in the tooth and jaw bone.

Gum Disease or Periodontitis

infection is more likely to form around wisdom teeth because their location and lack of space make them harder to clean.

What are Home Remedies for Wisdom Tooth Pain ?

Once the wisdom tooth pain has been set up, you can treat it with home remedies until you can go to the dentist and treat it appropriately.

I have listed some home remedies that will help you or your loved ones in times like these.

Over-the-counter Ibuprofen

Ibuprofen is an over-the-counter pain relieving medication that should help temporarily reduce pain. Ibuprofen will reduce inflammation and swelling. It is a temporary aid and should not be used for the long term.

Please read and follow the instructions written on the package for recommended dose. It is essential to consult a primary care physician or pharmacist before taking any medication.

Ice Pack application

Wrap a towel around a store-bought ice packsmall bag of ice, or even a bag of frozen vegetables. Applying cold therapy to the affected area for 15-20 minute intervals every few hours can help reduce wisdom teeth pain. 

Applying ice will reduce swelling around the wisdom tooth. Ice can also have a numbing impact which should help reduce pain.

Over-the-counter Numbing Gel or Oral Suspension

You can purchase Numbing gel over the counter, which contains benzocaine as its active ingredient. Consult a pharmacist or doctor on the gel, which helps numb the gums. Numbing gels also frequently contain an astringent to reduce gum irritation and menthol to soothe gums.

There are several name-brand and generic options available over the counter.Most dental gels can be applied directly to the affected gums throughout the day.

However, a person needs to follow the instructions included in the product.Also, it is possible to be allergic to benzocaine.

Salt water Swish and Chlorhexidine Rinsing

Add 1 or 2 teaspoons of salt into a glass of warm water and mix until dissolved.

Swish the mixture in the mouth, especially around the painful area, for one minute and spit out, do not swallow.Repeat as needed several times throughout the day. The saltwater will help promote wound healing and clean out stuck debris. Few rinses should Relief pain.

Research from 2016 suggests that rinsing your gums with warm water and dissolved sodium chloride (salt) helps promote healthy gums and kill harmful bacteria. 

A 2020 randomized controlled trial of people found chlorhexidine rinse to have antiseptic effects and thus reducing the chances of periodontitis.

Use of Clove Oil or Clove Buds

An article published in 2018 suggested that Cloves contain an ingredient called eugenol that has anti-inflammatory,antimicrobial and antioxidant effects can act as a numbing agent and help elevate your wisdom teeth pain.

Moisten a cotton ball with clove oil and place the cotton ball on the wisdom tooth. Allow the cotton ball to sit for 5-15 minutes before removing and throwing away.


If the clove oil is too strong, try diluting it with coconut oil. Repeat as needed throughout the day. In place of clove oil, crush a clove bud and tuck it into the side of the cheek. Leave in place for 5-15 minutes, then remove and dispose of the crushed cloves.

You can purchase clove essential oil or boil four to six whole cloves to make clove water, which you can then massage onto your painful gums.

2019 article on eugenol suggests In high amounts, eugenol can cause liver toxicity. Overdose is possible from ingesting 10 to 30 milliliters (mL). Be careful not to ingest too much of this substance when using it to relieve tooth pain.

Use of Vanilla Extract Soak or Rinse

To create a soothing mouth rinse for wisdom tooth pain, mix one cup of warm water with a few drops of vanilla extract and the following essential oils; myrrh, peppermint, tea tree, lemon, roman chamomile, thyme, and coconut oil. Swish around in the mouth for a minute before spitting out.

You can also dab the cotton in the mixture of these oils and place that cotton bud on your painful tooth for 5-15 min.

Use Turmeric as a Rub or Paste

Turmeric is often used as a home remedy for all sorts of ailments. It is believed to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can also help reduce wisdom teeth pain. Try rubbing powdered turmeric on the sore gums.


Mixing baking powder, toothpaste, and turmeric can also make a paste. Rub the paste around the wisdom teeth and sit for several minutes before rinsing.

Use of Onion in wisdom tooth pain

A 2007 study found that onions have anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. 

To use onions as a home remedy, a person should cut off a piece of onion and chew the onion on the side of the mouth with the pain. keep chewing for a few minutes until the pain reduces, and then spit out the onion.


It allows the juice from the onion to go into the gum so that it can reduceinflammation and periodontitis.

Use of Tea bags for wisdom tooth pain

Tannins contained in tea bags have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It means tea bags may help reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections.


Teabag is immersed in water and left overnight in the fridge. Once the tea is cold, the tea bag can be taken out and placed inside the mouth where the pain is located.

Use of Peppermint in wisdom tooth pain

Although there is no conclusive evidence peppermint is effective at treating wisdom tooth pain, Peppermint leaves contain menthol, a natural cooling compound. It has been found to have some pain-reducing effects in a wide range of applications. 

Soak a cotton ball in a small peppermint extract before applying it to painful gums or rubbing the oil directly on your teeth. Peppermint tea can also be used as a mouth rinse after it cools down.

Use of Aloe vera in wisdom tooth pain

Aloe vera is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory qualities. You can use it to soothe and reduce inflammation around the area where your wisdom teeth are trying to erupt.

It also helps to heal your gums if they become scratched or cut while your teeth erupt.You can apply pure aloe vera gel to the gums, which will cool the area down for temporary pain relief.

Use of Tea tree oil in wisdom tooth pain

Tea tree oil is an antibacterial agent that may help kill bacteria growing on teeth. This oil is so potent that you should never apply it directly to your teeth.

Diluting tea tree oil with coconut oil and applying it to your inflamed gums could help kill bacteria on your gum line. Tea tree oil shouldn’t be swallowed, so ensure you rinse and spit out any residue immediately after this treatment.

Use of Crushed garlic and ginger in wisdom tooth pain

Crushed garlic was one of the more effective killers of pathogens that invade and infect the gum line. Combining garlic with crushed ginger into a paste makes garlic even more effective.

You can crush raw garlic into a paste-like consistency before adding fresh, chopped ginger and applying the paste to your gums.

Use of Oregano oil in wisdom tooth pain

Oregano oil is a powerful healer that can kill bacteria and prevent infection. It could help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.Its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties come from carvacrol, a compound also found in thyme, bergamot, and pepperwort.

Oregano oil is potent and must always be appropriately diluted. Place a drop of oregano oil into 1 teaspoon of coconut oil. Use a cotton ball or your finger to apply the oil to your tooth or gums. Do this twice per day.

Use of Capsaicin in wisdom tooth pain

The active ingredient in cayenne pepper, Capsaicin, relieves pain and inflammation. Researchers have claimed that Capsaicin is a promising option for treating some neuropathic pain (nerve pain) forms.

However, Capsaicin can potentially irritate you, so you should always start with a small amount to see how your body reacts.

Dilute a few drops of pure capsaicin extract or oil into a cup of water. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution to the affected area or use it as a mouthwash. Repeat throughout the day.

Use of Lavender essential oil for wisdom tooth pain

Lavender oil tends to relieve pain, reduce bacteria, and soothe inflammation. Dilute one drop of lavender oil into 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.

Use your fingers or a cotton ball to apply it to the affected area several times throughout the day.Alternatively, you can add two drops of lavender oil to a cup of warm water to make a mouthwash.

Use this solution three times per day. Finally, you can use cooled lavender tea to make a mouthwash.

Medical relief for wisdom tooth pain

Acetaminophen in Wisdom Tooth Pain

Although Acetaminophen is available over the counter under brand names such as Tylenol, you should take it cautiously and avoid taking it in high doses.

Acupuncture in Wisdom Tooth Pain

Acupuncture typically involves using tiny needles that may stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms. Acupuncture has been shown to help relieve dental pain after surgery. 

Aspirin in Wisdom Tooth Pain

The aspirin you take to relieve severe headaches may also help your wisdom teeth pain. Researchers suggest that aspirin is an effective pain-dulling agent for people experiencing discomfort in their mouth.

Aspirin is a blood thinning agent and should be cautiously taken.


Once the wisdom tooth pain starts, it requires surgical intervention. The remedies I mentioned earlier are temporary measures.

Don’t fret. An impacted wisdom tooth treated earlier by your dentist will cause no complications, and you will forget it existed in your mouth for a couple of weeks.