Tooth Pain After a Filling? Is It Normal [Updated Guide 2023]

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Experiencing Tooth Pain After a Filling is a common occurrence and typically not a cause for alarm. In fact, many people may encounter mild sensitivity after having a cavity filled, which should subside within a few days. Therefore, if you are currently facing this issue, there is no need to worry as it is usually a normal part of the healing process.

In the event that you are experiencing severe pain or other symptoms such as fever or swelling after a filling, it is important to contact your dentist promptly. These symptoms are not common after a filling and could indicate a more serious issue that requires immediate attention. Therefore, if you are encountering any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek professional assistance to address the underlying problem.

How long should Teeth Hurt after Fillings?

While temporary Tooth Pain After a Filling is a frequent occurrence, prolonged or aggravated sensitivity may be indicative of one of the following causes:


Tooth Pain After a Filling can be caused by a variety of factors. One of the most common causes is malocclusion, which occurs when the bite is misaligned. This can happen when a filling is placed too high, preventing the teeth from fitting together properly when biting or chewing.

The misalignment of the bite can cause extra pressure on the tooth with the new filling, leading to pain and sensitivity. In some cases, this increased pressure can even cause the filling to crack. If you notice any discomfort or sensitivity after getting a new filling, it’s important to pay attention to your bite and how your teeth feel when you bite down or chew. If you notice any issues with the alignment of your teeth, it’s essential to contact your dentist as soon as possible.

If you experience any discomfort or sensitivity in your teeth after the numbing wears off, it’s important to call your dentist immediately. This will allow them to assess the situation and address any issues with the bite before the filling breaks. By taking action early, you can avoid more serious problems down the line and ensure that your teeth stay healthy and pain-free.

Nerve Irritation

Tooth Pain After a Filling is frequently caused by an inflamed nerve in the filled tooth. The nerve can become irritated during the dental procedure, leading to sensitivity in the affected area.

The sensitivity usually subsides as the nerve inside the tooth heals, which can take several days to a few weeks. While the sensitivity can be uncomfortable, it is typically a normal part of the healing process and should gradually improve with time. If the sensitivity persists beyond a few weeks or worsens, it is important to contact your dentist for further evaluation and treatment.


Pulpitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the pulp inside the tooth. While it is not common with minor fillings, it may occur in the following situations:

  • The affected tooth has undergone multiple fillings or procedures
  • A deep filling has reached the pulp
  • You have a broken or cracked tooth
  • Pulpitis can be classified into two types based on its severity:

Reversible pulpitis, which causes temporary tooth sensitivity until the pulp heals.
Irreversible pulpitis, which requires a root canal procedure.
If you experience any persistent or worsening Tooth Pain After a Filling, particularly after multiple fillings, deep fillings, or due to a broken or cracked tooth, it’s important to seek dental attention promptly. Your dentist can assess the situation and determine if pulpitis or other underlying issues are the cause of your symptoms. Early intervention can help prevent further complications and restore your oral health.

Referred Pain

Referred pain is a common occurrence where pain is felt in areas surrounding the tooth that had a cavity filled.

This phenomenon occurs when the source of the pain is in a different location than where the discomfort is felt, resulting in pain being referred to a different area of the mouth.

Allergic Reaction

Allergic reactions to dental filling materials can occur in some individuals. Symptoms may include a rash or itching near the filled tooth.

If you suspect that you are having an allergic reaction to a dental filling material, it is important to contact your dentist as soon as possible. They can evaluate the situation and determine the appropriate course of action, which may include removing the filling and replacing it with a different material. Early intervention can help prevent further complications and ensure that your oral health is not compromised.

Galvanic Shock

When dental fillings containing different metals, such as gold and amalgam, touch one another, they produce an electric current. This rare occurrence is called galvanic shock.

Why does my tooth still ache after filling?

Mild tooth sensitivity is a normal and common occurrence after undergoing a filling procedure, as the dental drill can irritate the nerve inside the tooth. Once the numbness wears off, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Pain or sensitivity in the teeth surrounding the filled tooth
  • Discomfort in the affected tooth while eating, brushing, or flossing
  • Gum tenderness
  • Pain while biting down or clenching your teeth

Tooth sensitivity after a filling can be triggered by a variety of factors, including:

  • Inhaling cold air through the mouth
  • Consuming hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Eating sugary foods
  • Consuming acidic foods such as coffee.

If your sensitivity persists or worsens, it’s important to consult your dentist. They can determine the underlying cause of your discomfort and recommend appropriate treatment to alleviate your symptoms and restore your oral health.

What is the Duration of Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity is typically expected to subside within a period of 2 to 4 weeks following a filling. However, if the sensitivity persists beyond this timeframe, or if the pain becomes worse, it is advisable to contact your dentist for further evaluation and treatment.

What Isn’t Normal?

If you are feeling sharp pain or severe sensitivity, experiencing Tooth Pain After a Filling without any apparent trigger such as hot or cold foods, or if you are noticing additional symptoms such as swelling, itching, rash, or fever, it is possible that you are experiencing something more serious than typical post-filling pain.

How do you know when it’s time to go dentist?

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s important to contact your dentist as soon as possible.
In addition to those symptoms, there are other reasons why you might need to call your dentist after a filling procedure.
These reasons include feeling that the filling is too high when you bite down after the numbness wears off.
If you continue to experience pain or sensitivity for more than four weeks after the procedure, you should contact your dentist.
Similarly, if the pain gets worse instead of better, you should seek further evaluation from your dentist.
Finally, if the filling falls out or becomes loose, you should contact your dentist to schedule an appointment for repair or replacement.

How to Ease Tooth Pain After Filling

You don’t have to endure sensitive teeth after a cavity filling as there are several ways to alleviate pain and discomfort.

  • You can alleviate pain and discomfort by taking OTC pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Gentle brushing and flossing, along with warm salt water rinses, can help reduce sensitivity and inflammation in the affected area.
  • Avoiding hot or cold foods and drinks, as well as sugary or acidic ones, can also help reduce pain and discomfort.
  • Chewing on the opposite side of your mouth can help reduce pressure on the affected area.
  • Using a desensitizing toothpaste can also help alleviate sensitivity and reduce pain.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene practices can help prevent food impaction and an increased bacterial load in the affected area, reducing the risk of infection and further pain.


Tooth sensitivity after a filling is normal. Most people experience mild pain after having a cavity filled. It typically goes away in a few days.

Common causes of Tooth Pain After a Filling include irritated nerve endings and bite misalignment.

Contact your dentist if your pain is severe, persistent, or occurs with other symptoms such as a rash or fever. Also, call your dentist if you feel the filling is too high. rephrase in two paragraphs

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